account numbers listed on every line for each transaction in GL detail reports

Currently when you run a general ledger detail report, the way it lists the transactions, posted to accounts, is to list the account number on one line and then list all the transactions underneath that account number, that were posted to the account, on a line for each transaction.  In order to use this data in excel, for sorting and pivot tables, I then have to copy and paste the account number to list in an additional column of the transaction.  This is quite cumbersome, but the information is useless to analyze if I do not have the account number on the line with the rest of the details of the transaction.  I would like for you to add a capability or option of having this information listed with the rest of the details of the transaction.

  • Guest
  • Jun 19 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 26, 2024 15:08

    I used to get around this problem by exporting to CSV (not excel) in database view. It still required some formulas and copying and pasting special values, but I could at least get to a true data table. Blackbaud has disabled the export to CSV functionality in database view and it is not available in NXT. I can't count the number of time I've heard Blackbaud say that no functionality in DB will be disabled before that same functionality is available in NXT. Well… that's not the way things are working out. If you have subscribed to this idea, please also vote for ideas FENXT-I-2890 and FENXT-I-1119 as they address this same issue. If Blackbaud gets around to reviewing this, perhaps they could merge these ideas and address them.

  • Amy Deering commented
    November 15, 2024 17:37

    Please consider improving the general ledger detail report by adding the account number as a column. This has to be an easy thing to implement to the canned report. It is the only way to manipulate the data in pivot tables without taking forever to do this manually.

  • Victoria Wiegand commented
    October 11, 2022 15:22

    Been asking for years for this!

  • Guest commented
    November 19, 2021 15:05

    Please do this! It takes me so much time to add account information to each line of the GL account report...

  • Guest commented
    November 13, 2019 12:54

    Couldn't agree more!  Been manipulating GL account reports for years now to get account number detail into each line item to use it in data tables. 

  • Guest commented
    August 06, 2019 20:18

    YES! I agree with this wholeheartedly. The GL Account reports are the best way to get balance sheet detail (better than a query), but the format is always clunky. I always feel the need to edit it before sending on to any other team-member or auditor, or before I can begin working with the data.