ADD ability to change vendor NAME in WEB VIEW and not have to go to CLASSIC each time.

Here is what we were told:  The option you needed to change comes from the Options tab when clicking on an address in database view. Looking at webview, I do not see the fields from the Options tab available in webview at this time. If you were to need to adjust any other future vendors, you would have to do so from the database view.You can request for our programmers to incorporate these fields in webview

  • Guest
  • May 30 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Julia Petit commented
    30 May, 2019 05:43pm

    Hi Gi! Thanks for this feedback. This should be possible. I saw you had a case open about this, I'm going to reach back out to the support team to dig a bit deeper into why you might not have been able to edit this.