More options for displaying list of Journal Entries

It would be helpful to be able to add a column for "Post Date" in the list of Journal Entries. There is a column for "Date Posted", but that is the date it was actually entered and posted, not the post date. It would be helpful to be able to sort batches by Post Date and to not have to open a batch to see what the post date was.

Also, along with the ability to filter the list by Batch Type and Batch Status, it would be great to be able to sort by date range or fiscal period as well, to be able to see only the current period or date range, etc., whether the batches have been posted, approved, or whatever.



  • Guest
  • Sep 7 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Kristin Holden commented
    07 Jan 15:01

    I find it incredulous that the "Post Date" filter filters by the date you have actual gone in and posted batches, NOT the Post Date of the entries. That's the date that's important, not the day you push the "post" button.

  • Guest commented
    September 20, 2023 18:10

    Totally Agree... I need to search for JE's that I need to post for a particular period, so that I can focus on those. Searching for the "Date posted" (which is just a time-stamp, and not relevant to the accounting period that the JE was posted to) is irrelevant.

  • Guest commented
    November 18, 2020 16:06

    Should be able to sort by TYPE!!

  • Guest commented
    November 05, 2018 21:44

    I agree if there is an option to be able to sort by date range or fiscal period, as currently we just see a summary of all journal entries and it's hard to tell when we are closing a period (i.e. October 2018), which journal batches are still open or need to be approved for the specific period.

  • Judy Ramos commented
    October 08, 2018 21:47

    I agree with this needing to be an option for filters. I understand why it won't work for a column. However, it is essential to search for journal entries based on the post date as date posted can often be irrelevant to the post date.

  • Deleted User commented
    December 15, 2017 15:52

    These are the current filters we have available in the NXT Journal Entry filters. Do these meet your needs? Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    December 14, 2017 14:07

    Can a filter please be added to the general ledger batch list so that we can see only the current fiscal year, last fiscal year, etc? The longer we've been using FE, the more cumbersome the list of batches becomes when searching for a specific one.


  • Marc Seleman commented
    December 10, 2016 16:53

    I guess I don't completely understand what you are referring to.  With regard to the list of general ledger batches there is a column that is the post date.  That is the actual date that the batch of journal entries was posted.  You can't have a column that has the journal entry date as you can have a general ledger batch with a mix of dates.

    In addition you can sort on the batch post date column.