Modules for Contracts, Inventory, Quotations

Contracts - It would be nice to have an area where Contracts are listed and attached in the Vendor File.  Text fields that can be completed for start date, expiration, renewal terms, a date for the contract to be reviewed, the responsible dept, etc.  It would be ideal if reports can be pulled from this and an email notification sent when a contract is due to be reviewed.

Inventory - We have multiple locations where inventory is kept.  It would be very helpful to have a way to keep track of and view the inventory at each site.  Be able to set min/max thresholds so requistions can automatically be generated for users to review and verified before they are submitted.  This would be a huge time saver for a lot of our users as they are also front office staff or nurses at busy medical offices.  A module like this would also help us when doing a return so the return and credit can be tracked and finance has a way to apply a credit to the actual return and verify the credit is accurate.

Quotations - Our organization frequently sends out RFQs to vendors for various items, especially when doing a renovation or new construction.  An RFQ should be able to be created in the system either from a requisition that was submitted by a user or created by the Purchasing team with all the line items and quantities we are requesting.  Have the ability to track vendor responses, enter their quote, compare quotes and have the ability to generate a PO from the RFQ.

  • Stephanie Strickler
  • Mar 1 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • PATRICIA NOWAK commented
    February 28, 2024 01:25

    An integration between FE NXT and PaperSave would allow you to do this