Ability to post in Control accounts in detail (not summarizing) in General Ledger as you can in FE7

I often import large amounts of data from our outside online credit card processing company into Journal Entries via the General Ledger.   I need these accounts (particularly the Cash Account) to post in detail rather than Summarized - both for reconciliation and reporting purposes.  In the database view, I can select a detail post parameter.  This option to select a detailed post parameter is not available in NXT.  Please add the ability to add new post parameters to the General Ledger.

  • Patricia Walcutt
  • May 2 2018
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Patricia Walcutt commented
    4 May, 2018 02:05pm

    I often import large amounts of data from our outside online credit card processing company into Journal Entries via the General Ledger.   I need these accounts (particularly the Cash Account) to post in detail rather than Summarized - both for reconciliation and reporting purposes.  In the database view, I can select a detail post parameter.  This option to select a detailed post parameter is not available in NXT.  Please add the ability to add new post parameters to the General Ledger.