Adjust Paid by Credit Card Invoices

It would be great to be able to adjust invoices that were paid by credit cards.  In most cases I will receive a receipt that has a tip included.  I'll enter the receipt into the system but then when I receive the bank statement in the new month, the receipt ended up not including the tip and I'll end up having to delete the invoice, re-record it, but now that the previous month is closed the receipt ends up not in the actual month it occurred.  This also happens when a receipt may not include a tip but then comes in with a tip included on the statements.  We end up with a lot of receipts not correctly accounted for in the months the occurred.

  • Ashley Peil
  • Feb 19 2018
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    27 Aug, 2018 09:32pm

    Similarly, we have from time to time had a vendor issue a credit for an invoice which was paid by credit card in a prior month.  The new credit memo has no current invoice to which it can be applied.