FE is great but there are some features that cause much concern, issues and quite frankly extra work for us Chief Financial Officers and our staf.
For instance, the ability to post a entry/transaction to the GL (which has a related Subsidary Ledger) that does not also automatically adjust the corresponding Subsidiary Ledger or the ability to post a entry/transaction to the Subsididary Ledger that does not also automatically adjust the related G/L Account. There should be a warning messages related to all transactions or entries that would casue the Subsidiary Ledget be out of balance with the G/L.
If there was such a control maybe there would be no need for huge manual called Reconciling the Subsidairy Ledgers to the General Ledger. In my "perfect bean counter world" evll and silly entries like this would never be allowed. LOL!
There are business rules in both the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers that when set properly would prevent this from happening.