Allow password chage in WebPortal.

I have 5 FE users and 48 WebPortal users.  So 43 of my WebPortal users do not have FE user IDs and have no need for one.  Currently, the only way to change the WebPortal password is by changing the FE7 password.  So I currently have two options:

1.  I can, as the administrator, establish the password for each user. This is bad form because then I would have the ability to log on as any of my users and process transactions under their ID.  Furthermore it is a lot easier to set each user up with the same temp password which they would then immediately change rather than creating good passwords for each one at the outset and then stay in the loop to change each user's password periodically as they see fit.

2.  I can create an FE7 user account for each of my 43 users who will only need to access FE to change their WP password.  Then I also need to give each of these users a CITRIX user ID and password and then explain to each of them how to log into CITRIX and then FE7 just to change their password.  This will overwhelm many of my users who just need to enter and/or approve purchase orders.

Therefore my suggestion is to allow users to change their own password in WebPortal.

  • Howard Moss
  • Jun 19 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Julia Petit commented
    15 Jan, 2019 03:18pm

    Hi Howard!

    Thanks so much for sending us this idea.  For any user that needs to reset their password there should be the ability to click Forgot your password? link which will allow users to reset their password. 

    Let us know if this functionality is not working and can take a deeper dive.