Allow Others may edit or run options to be changed after reports are created

It would be helpful to have the option to change "Others may edit report" or "Others may run report" after reports are created in FE. We have situations where job duties are moved and along with those so does the report associated with the job duty. These reports need to be updated every fiscal year and tied to queue. By allowing users with supervisor rights or the original creator to update this option will also prevent changes that need to made in queue because we needed to create a whole new report just to update the FY dates used in the report.

We've also run into situations where a report is created and the box was accidently missed being checked. We start having a lot of duplicate reports or bad reports out there because the only way to allow others to do their work of running or changing reports is by creating a duplicate report. And the person creating the duplicate report may not always have delete access to the original report in question to delete it. So it becomes the responsibilty of someone else with rights.

This has always been a helpful option in the past and it would be nice if it could be available again in FE NXT.

  • Regina Dodge
  • Sep 9 2024
  • No Status
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