Absolutely need the description as a column to show in the web view for AR activity!

Why isn't there an option to have the description showing on the activity tab of the client record and on invoice listing like it is in the database? We absolutely need this column as an option in NXT since we use it extensively when viewing an individual record. We don't have the time to drill down on each ID record to find the one we are looking for. The description is used for locating an invoice.

  • LeeAnn Schmidtberger
  • Jun 28 2024
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • LeeAnn Schmidtberger commented
    1 Jul 07:09pm

    Thank you for adding it in the client record, activity tab! I appreciate it. Can it also be added in the Invoices section so when looking at all invoices, the description is also available? The description is very useful in performing searches.

  • Admin
    V-Mohit Kumar commented
    1 Jul 05:24pm

    It's been added; to see it, pick the Description column from the actions bar's Columns button.