Allow importing of csv Budget files in NXT

I've been uploading Budgets to FE7 as csv imports for a very long time, and I've got it down to a science. Having to re-create these in a 3rd-party app in order to use the NXT interface is a supreme waste of time, if I have multiple csv templates ready to go every year. Please either allow us to keep importing them into the Database, or else create and test a direct import function in NXT before removing the database Budget functions. Thank you.

  • Roberta A. Gilbert
  • Mar 6 2024
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
  • Attach files
  • Gina Noble commented
    1 Oct, 2024 08:02pm

    I also have used the CSV import to create budgets in the past and found it very quick and efficient. This time I tried the Budget Creator in Excel and it stopped because there were errors However it did not identify the specific errors, leaving me unable to complete any import at all. I used the chat and read the support site and was referred back to Database View.

    Fortunately, I was still able to use the CSV method to import this year's budget. It turned out that there were a 8 duplicates in my 900+ line template, that the CSV option allowed me to correct! Please consider keeping a CSVv database import option with error report in the system for large budgets it is so much more efficient!

  • NATHAN CROSS commented
    12 Sep, 2024 05:54pm

    My company's account string is Fund-Account-Department and looks like ##-####-###. I have about 8 funds and 20 departments to budget for. That means for every account number, I have a separate Account String in order for the budget to appropriately reflect each department's budget. If Fund needs to be allocated across departments then there are additional accounts that need to be budgeted for.

    Trying to upload a project level budget is too much burden to upload to Blackbaud with the current tools.

    Along with each account segment - could there be a way to consolidate and slice budgeted amounts?

  • Wendy Cooper commented
    14 Jun, 2024 03:59pm

    I worked in the Excel add-in budget creator tool this year and found it much more difficult than a straightforward import. We have a huge and complicated budget structure but load all the data to a single budget record. The ability to perform a mass update to numerous accounts via an editing import appears to have been lost when using the NXT tools. With the Excel add-in, I have to export the current budget version to Excel, then add sort and filter tools to the worksheet, find the accounts I want to work in, then write over the amounts one account at a time. With import -- you can do a mass change in a single shot. It was so much faster.

  • Roberta A. Gilbert commented
    2 Apr, 2024 04:43pm

    What "further info" do you need for this? The BB Community forum has several requests for a direct import ability in NXT. With all due respect, having to install 3rd party plug-ins for basic functions like importing a csv file is pretty lame.

  • Roberta A. Gilbert commented
    12 Mar, 2024 06:58pm

    The add-in is what I am trying to avoid. I create all my csv budget files offline and have them formatted and coded to import. I attended a webinar last year on using the add-in, and it seems that I would have to install the add-in and save all the data in Excel again, when what I have is ready for import, as is. Importing data is a function we should not have to lose, just to have a "prettier" interface. I want to be able to continue to upload an offline file, that I already know the database can read.

  • Admin
    V-Mohit Kumar commented
    8 Mar, 2024 10:09am

    Have you tried the Budget Creator Excel add-in to add and edit budget data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then submit the data to create a new budget or update an existing one?