JE to cash without adjusting Bank Register takes up to 24 hrs to take effect.

I went to Business Rules in the GL-then to Journal entry-then clicked Edit to mark the box that allows JE's to post to cash but not hit the Bank Register. When I did my JE the box above my entry was no longer checked that says Create Bank Adjustments. So I saw that as the sign that I could proceed. I posted and it DID GO to the Bank Register. The answer I was given is that it may take up to 24 hrs to take effect. Then why was the JE boxed that was checked before I changed the Business Rule unchecked when I did the entry? What is the trigger that tells me it is ok to create the entry?

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2024
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  • Guest commented
    25 Sep 15:21

    This is a terrible change. If this rule is changed, it is needed for just one entry and then needs to be changed back for further entries. To have to wait 24 hours holds up two days of work to get one entry posted.