printing one-time checks in webview

It would be extremely helpful if we were able to save and print the one-time checks later in webview like you can in database view. We have hundreds of one-time checks at a time for police or event support that are not recurring individuals so it doesn't make sense to add them as vendors. It is not efficient to have to print these one at a time but to enter and print all at once.

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  • Nov 8 2023
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  • Shari Smith commented
    23 Sep, 2024 03:30pm

    Yes, this is a huge issue for me as well. I too print 20-30 1-time checks 2 or 3 times a year and not having the ability to save them will create quite the workload. Unfair to not have the same functions as database view.

  • Shannon Moseley commented
    20 Sep, 2024 09:08pm

    I print a lot of one-time checks directly to students and also use the print later function in database view. I see that this functionality has been eliminated today 09.20.24 in database view. Unfortunately, this adds a lot of time to enter one-time checks, one at a time. Please consider making this a functionality in web-view.

  • Kristy Soular commented
    17 Sep, 2024 06:09pm

    This is really unfortunate it's not being considered to bring to nxt. We process one time checks pretty often. Yes, to vendors we will not pay again - think refunds from other software's/programs - we do not want to setup every single person we refund as a vendor in our system.

    This is also creating a separation of duties nightmare for us. The person who cuts the check, for us, is not the same person that enters the check.

    In database, we would enter these checks all throughout the week by saving the actual printing for later. Then come check cutting day, cut them all with other Computer checks. Now with NXT, we have to sit with check stock in our printer as we type and print each refund, one by one. Check cutting days are busy enough and now we have to enter them that day as well delaying the whole process.

  • Lissette Delgado commented
    29 May, 2024 05:09pm

    Yes, we currently process one-time checks for patient refunds.

    We process one times every week at least 10-30 at a time. Printing checks one at a time is very inefficient and just time consuming.

    Please consider this as soon as possible as this affect our everyday workflow.

  • Guest commented
    24 May, 2024 12:25pm

    We also need to enter and print many one-time checks for patient refunds. We do not want to set up each patient as a vendor. I agree, entering and printing each one-time check separately is a waste of time.

  • Guest commented
    22 Apr, 2024 07:04pm

    YES!!! I just sent this exact suggestion to our CSM today. We currently process a TON of one-time checks as a high school (a lot of refunds/reimbursements) and having to print every single check as it's entered is a huge waste of time. Batching the checks (like in database) needs to be added to FENXT