Since the update where tables moved out of database and into FENXT there is no longer the ability to sort the tables. There should be an option to sort alphabetical order or for you to choose the order you want the table to appear in. Now if you add a new entry it auotmatically goes to the bottom (EVEN IF THE REST OF THE TABLE IS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) and no way to change this.
Adding a comment on this one since it has been a few months since the last comment.
This is pretty inconvenient to not be able to resort table entries.
Agreed. Small and simple function that truly slows productivity. Please bring this back. 2023 idea and it has no status. I'm hoping my recent comment will bring current attention to the idea.
Any updates from Blackbaud on this? They took away the ability to do this in database
Sorting tables is extremely important to reduce time searching through large tables. This is a huge step backward when tables were removed from the database view.
I agree. This was such a small but important detail!
Yes, I would like to see the same functionality as in RENXT -- able to sort tables alphabetically, or drag individual table entries. (I am currently using NXT to add new table entries, then going to database view to sort, which is inefficient...)