payroll schedule changes

It should be possible to change just the description of the payroll schedule even after calculations have been done. My name was suggested to be entered when a new one had to be created, but I did not realize that it would now show up on all payroll reports.  I do not appreciate having my name printed on them.    

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2017
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Jun, 2019 06:31pm

    I was given the same suggestion and also did not realize my name would be listed on all reports. So I had to create yet another schedule; this happened in 2017.

    Wendy Beaverson | Payroll Specialist
    717-848-5767, ext 508

    [cid:image002.png@01D52C2B.E3E550D0]Empowering lives. Every. Day.
    160 S. George Street, York PA 17401-1408

    providing an environment of support and empowerment where people can improve their quality of living . . . since 1966

    [cid:image008.png@01D320E3.3E67A040][cid:image010.jpg@01D320E3.3E67A040] [cid:image011.jpg@01D320E3.3E67A040] [cid:image012.jpg@01D320E3.3E67A040]

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  • Eddie Barker commented
    26 Jun, 2019 05:42pm

    As IOIPay is our premier payroll provider, and we will not be doing any further development to Payroll 7, this is being passed along to them for evaluation. On 6/18/2019 we announced that the end-of-life for Payroll 7 is estimated to occur in early 2021.