Add self approval as an option within an approval rule

Requesting that self approval be added as an option to approval rules for expense management so that a team of staff can be set up with the same approval rule that allows each of them to self approve invoice requests under a certain amount, but then requires approval from a specific user (their manager) for requests over a certain amount.

Currently, they system does not support a self approval option in the approval flow, so a different approval rule needs to be created for each user with their username selected for the first level, and then their manager for the 'over $500' level.

The current set up also requires the user to manually approve the request, instead of just having it automatically approve the way the self approval functionality works.

It would be a great help and much more efficient to add self approval as an option in the user drop down where approvers are selected for the approval rule.

Thank you.

  • Teagan B
  • Jul 29 2021
  • Needs review
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