Add a header that automatically includes the dates in your report

This would be specifically useful for project reports. I'm constantly running project reports for various months, years, etc and by the time the report is created I forget the period I ran the report for. This would also be helpful on balance sheets and income statements although, I know sometimes your data includes multiple years so maybe you could identify which date to include in your header (i.e. which column date range to match in the header).

  • Deanna White
  • Mar 23 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Dec 9, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello! We do have this feature for the Income and balance reports on the headings tab. We do not have it for our other reports but I think it's a great idea!

  • Attach files
  • Jennipher Noble commented
    10 Dec, 2021 02:53pm

    Hey Karen! You can leave a comment and that will notify the admins.

  • Karen Starkey commented
    10 Dec, 2021 12:34pm

    How do I respond to Admin on this?