Improved reconciliation when post date does not equal invoice date

Typically users will process invoices for the previous month in the first week of the following month.

  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    15 Dec, 2017 02:50pm

    Thanks, Jennifer! Appreciate the feedback and I changed the title of this post to reflect your last comment. Let us know if we're missing something if you have any other feedback about this.

  • jennifer johnson commented
    14 Dec, 2017 02:07pm

    I have an issue with making the invoice date and post date match. The invoice date is often not the date in which the expenses should be posted. I understand that it is important that they both match to reconcile AP to GL, then what is the purpose of having two separate fields. I like the invoice date to be the actual invoice date, especially if it is an old invoice that we are just now receiving. It helps when analyzing the expenses. Maybe as NXT progresses it won't be necessary to use the same invoice and post date to reconcile AP to GL.

  • Marc Seleman commented
    2 Nov, 2016 03:21pm

    Our best practices recommendation is that the post date mirror the invoice date.  You can set this as a default at the user level.  While in Accounts Payable select Tools and Options in the toolbar.  On the General Tab select Invoice Activity.  Here you can set the default post date to be the invoice date.  This way when they are entering invoices dated in the prior month, the post date will also be in the prior month.  If this is not what you want and you want the invoice date in the prior month but the post date in the current month, you can set the default post date to be "today".

    I have a blog series in the Tips and Tricks section about all of the various user options functionality.