To be able to drill down into the detail of a journal entry

It would be very helpful in being able to drill down into journal entry detail from the account or GL report. When trying to research specific transactions this function would be very helpful to see exactly why an entry was made and what is contributing to the change in an account.

  • Guest
  • Nov 17 2020
  • Planned
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    • KAREN KENNELLY commented
      November 18, 2023 17:45

      This was definitely one of the many changes from database to NXT that was backwards progress. It takes a lot of extra time now to get to the detail whereas in database - and in pretty much every other GL database I've used - you can drill down.

    • Diana commented
      November 09, 2023 18:04

      This is a huge keystroke saver in the world of account & budget analysis. It exists for subledgers like AP, so why not the JE's?

    • Guest commented
      July 28, 2023 11:01

      Not having this ability is making FE NXT nearly unusable for my staff. It makes no sense to have to get out of an account activity screen to go find the j/e. This is backwards progress and because of it my staff continues to use database view. I see by the dates of previous comments that this has been an issue for a long time. I might have considered holding off on the upgrade had my sales rep mentioned this lack of functionality.

    • Lisa Ackendorf commented
      October 07, 2022 17:33

      Can we receive an update as to why this is not being implemented?

      This is so crucial in the GL world.

    • Alicia Vidrine commented
      July 18, 2022 15:26

      Agree. Anything showing in GL detail should be clickable to get to the source transaction. I also have this problem with payments in a cash ledger.

    • Twila Moore commented
      September 23, 2021 14:10

      Yes! Please implement this! It would also be helpful to be able to drill down from an FE batch gift to the actual gift in RE. We used to be able to do that in database view, but it is no longer working. Support is working on this for us.

    • Alexander Frenkel commented
      August 27, 2021 13:17

      Why it's still not available? This was promised during our demo presentation more than a year ago and I assumed that it was given. Even in the database version you can go to batch record from Account view.

    • Lisa Ackendorf commented
      December 10, 2020 16:52

      It is puzzling why you can drill down into an AP batch but not a journal entry batch. This is so needed!

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