The post bank adjustment default journal descriptions should be the same for both debits and credits.

When I post a bank adjustment, the journal reference default for debit is "adjustment type adjustment reference" and the credit is "adjustment type". I would like the credit to also reflect the adjustment reference.

  • Guest
  • Jul 21 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Jul, 2020 02:57pm

    Much appreciated! Thank you! Never thought to look there.

  • Julia Petit commented
    21 Jul, 2020 02:46pm

    Hi! Thanks so much for your feedback. This should be adjustable through adjusting your posting information in database view. If you go to appropriate subledger > Configuration > Posting Information > Cash Management in the upper right corner you'll see radio buttons for Debit and Credit. When selecting the Credit radio button you can adjust how that side of the entry posts.