Expense Details in invoice review window

The expense detail field in the invoice request does not appear in the invoice review window for accounting in NXT, but it can be seen in the FE Database. Most of our review is done in NXT and it would save time if that field was available for the accounting team.

  • Hillary Jefferis
  • Mar 11 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Tyler Brown commented
    29 Sep, 2021 05:30pm

    There is already a section created Called Expense when there is an attachment. Simply add the Expense Detail to that tile, or create a new tile all together. I know that the information is accessible via database, but users and auditors don't need to be trained on how to access that information in necessary. Also, I would like to see some kind of reporting or exporting where the expense detail information is available (similar to "notes").

  • Katherine Nechaeva commented
    20 Sep, 2021 11:00pm

    Yes, please! There are multiple fields missing in invoice review window - also number of miles (or any items) and date of each expense. It would be very helpful to have that info transfer into AP invoice from invoice request!