Establish an approval pathway for personal charges to P Card when there is no other accounting staff

Currently, when a P Card (or other credit card) charge is marked Personal by the user, they can enter a note, then the transaction is routed to the Credit Card Activity screen for a higher-level user to process. At that point, distribution, receipts, etc. can be added, but the transaction bypasses the normal approval process under the assumption that the higher user (accounting staff) will handle/process the charge as needed. In a small organization, there is often only one person handling accounting. If that person is also a cardholder (also frequently the case), then bypassing the approval process bypasses internal controls set in place to ensure separation of duties, presenting an opportunity for fraud (or the appearance of it). Please add an alternate pathway, perhaps a custom option, for small orgs to route these charges through the normal approval process OR the option to add an approval rule for charges marked Personal.

  • Susan Cornforth
  • Jan 29 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Julia Petit commented
    29 Jan, 2020 09:12pm

    Thanks you adding this Susan and for the separate convo helping us understand this use case a bit better.