Restore the previous method of email verification for BBID Sign Up, or add more guidance for the users

Up until a couple of weeks ago, the process for signing up for BBID looked like this (in rough terms):

  • Fill out the form (enter password, first and last name) and submit

  • "Let's get you verified" message appears with instructions to go to Inbox for verification message

  • Verification message contains "Confirm" button. When clicked, user is directed back to browser page and presented with "Your email was successfully confirmed. You will be redirected shortly" message.

  • User was directed to BBID Sign In page.

The current process looks like this:

  • Fill out the form (enter password, first and last name) and submit

  • "We've emailed you a 6-digit code" message appears with instructions to retrieve the code

  • Confirmation code message instructs user to "Enter confirmation code below..."

    • This sentence could be misinterpreted to mean "Enter confirmation code below [on this page]". Suggest something along the lines of, "Return to the previous page and enter this code within 10 minutes to verify your email address."

    • The previous "Confirm" message actually brought them back to the previous page, which was very smooth and professional.

  • When user enters the validation code, they are forwarded to the standard login page without explanation

    • Suggest "Success" message upon completion of email verification, followed by "you will be redirected shortly."

    • Suggest redirecting the user to the BBID sign in screen, rather than the standard login screen. Doing the latter-- along with no confirmation message -- creates the impression that verification was unsuccessful and that they are somehow starting over. If they have successfully signed in to BBID, why forward them to the old login scree instead of the new BBID screen.

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2022
  • Needs review
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